How to Use Content Pillars to Shape Your Personal Brand as an Influencer

In the vast world of social media where every click, scroll and share is a chance to make a lasting impression, how do you leave an indelible mark on your audience? The answer lies in being strategic: using content pillars to carve out a fresh perspective to help you stand out amongst your competition. If you want to know more, join us as we dive into the transformative nature of content pillars and explore how you can use them to connect with your audience. 

What are content pillars?

Content pillars are a core set of topics and themes that form the foundation of your social media strategy. The framework helps determine and transform your digital presence into a coherent story that has the power to continually captivate your audience. 

Why are content pillars important?

Content pillars are the foundation of your content strategy and the guideposts for your content production. They help you focus your content on what matters most to your audience and what aligns with your goals. 

With social media platforms categorising content to help consumers discover content more easily, creating pillars that align with the categories associated with your niche will lead to a higher search ranking on social media search engines.  

Provides a framework for your content calendar

Content pillars help develop and organise your social media content. It is important to aim for 3-5 main pillars to prioritise the production of content that holds value and truly resonates with your audience. 

Create more relevant content 

Establishing topics of interest will provide a clear direction and focus on creating content that best aligns with your personal brand. For example, if you’re a fashion-focused influencer, your content pillars could be maximalist style, attending fashion shows and styling tips. 

Rather than scrambling for content or experiencing a creative block, content pillars can help you map out your content calendar for months on end.

Saves you time 

Content pillars help you streamline the creative process of making content. Instead of brainstorming new topics each week, you can refer to your pillars and the overarching themes which heavily reduces the decision time of content ideation. 

How do you create content pillars?

To set you up for social media success, we’ve compiled a list of our top tips for creating effective content pillars! 

Identify your target audience

Start by defining your niche to narrow down your content focus. From there, create a detailed audience profile that outlines the needs, wants, interests and behaviours of your intended audience. It also helps to engage with consumers of your niche via the comment section, discussion forums, and even DMs to further understand the type of content they prefer to engage with.

Consider your business goals 

Clarify your mission and the impact you wish to make on social media. Doing this will help you clearly outline your content strategy to help you achieve your goals. 

Determining clear KPIs such as engagement rate, brand awareness and conversion rates will hold you accountable as you can regularly track these to measure your progress.

Keyword research/brainstorm topics 

Keywords can help in the formation of your content pillars. Knowing popular keywords can help you identify core themes and trending topics of your chosen niche, which in turn can expand your content topic ideation.  

Competitor analysis 

Scoping the competition can help you discover the gaps and pain points of your audience. Identifying areas where you can offer unique perspectives or value propositions will set you apart from other influencers involved in the same niche as you.

Types of content pillars  

Content pillars generally fall into the following categories: 

Entertainment content 

Content that aims to capture attention and increase engagement. Examples include Day in the Life (DITL) and bite-sized reels. 

Educational content

Content that positions you as an expert and allows you to build trust with your audience. Examples include tutorials and Q&As.

Inspiring content 

Content that serves to build an emotional connection with your audience. Examples include sharing the behind-the-scenes of your life. 

Promotional content 

Content that markets the brands you love. This can include testimonials and collaborations. 


Content Pillars are a strategic way to map out your content and ensure that you never run dry of ideas. Creating content that aligns with your niche and the interests of your audience helps foster trust and ensures that your audience remains engaged in your personal brand.

Influencer Marketing and AI: What Does It Mean for the State of the Industry?

Influence Marketing has seen robust expansion over the years, and it’s not about to change any time soon. The Influence Marketing Hub predicts the market size to reach an estimated 24 billion by the end of 2024, indicating strong ongoing growth momentum, despite challenging economic conditions.

As the adoption of influencer marketing continues to expand, so does the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into many aspects of our day-to-day lives. Individually, they've proven their worth, but the question that many people are asking, is what happens when these two powerful forces converge? Let's delve into the intersection of influencer marketing and AI to understand what it means for the state of the industry. But first, let’s break them both down.

Understanding Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves collaborating with individuals who have a substantial following and influence on social media platforms. These influencers wield the power to sway the opinions and purchasing decisions of their audience through authentic content creation and engagement. Brands leverage this influence to enhance brand awareness, credibility, and ultimately, drive sales.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence

AI, on the other hand, has revolutionised various industries with its ability to analyse vast amounts of data, predict trends, and automate processes. In marketing, AI offers invaluable insights into consumer behaviour, enabling brands to deliver personalised experiences, optimise campaigns, and measure ROI more accurately.

Influencer Marketing and AI

So, what happens when these two dynamic forces come together? The synergy between influencer marketing and AI presents unprecedented opportunities for brands to elevate their strategies and stay ahead of the curve. Here's how:

1. Audience Segmentation and Targeting

AI-powered tools can analyse vast amounts of data from social media platforms and other sources to gain deep insights into audience demographics, interests, and behaviours. This enables brands to segment their target audience more effectively and identify the most relevant influencers whose followers align with their brand values and products/services. This ensures they reach the right audience with tailored messaging to maximise engagement and conversions. 

2. Influencer Discovery and Vetting

AI algorithms can streamline the process of discovering influencers by automatically identifying individuals who have the right audience demographics, engagement levels, and content relevance for a brand's campaign objectives. AI can also help businesses identify potential collaborations with micro-influencers, who frequently boast highly engaged audiences compared to larger influencers. 

Additionally, AI can assist in vetting influencers based on factors such as authenticity, past performance, and alignment with brand values, helping brands avoid partnering with influencers with fake followers or questionable reputations.

3. Content Optimisation

The performance of influencer-generated content can be analysed in real-time, identifying which types of content resonate best with the target audience. This data-driven approach allows brands to optimise content strategies, including imagery, captions, messaging, and posting times, to maximise engagement and drive desired actions such as clicks, likes, shares, and purchases.

4. Predictive Analytics 

By leveraging historical data and machine learning algorithms, AI can anticipate trends, consumer preferences, platform shifts and emerging influencers before they reach mainstream popularity. By staying ahead of the curve, brands can proactively adjust their influencer strategies to capitalise on emerging opportunities and maintain a competitive edge.

5. ROI Measurement

Traditional methods of measuring the effectiveness of influencer marketing campaigns often lack granularity and accuracy. AI-powered analytics offer advanced measurement capabilities, including sentiment analysis, audience sentiment, brand lift, and conversion attribution. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) more accurately, brands can assess the true impact of their influencer partnerships and optimise future campaigns for better ROI.

6. Fraud Detection and Risk Mitigation

AI algorithms can detect fraudulent activities such as fake followers, engagement manipulation, and influencer fraud more effectively than manual methods. By implementing AI-powered fraud detection systems, brands can mitigate risks associated with dishonest influencers and ensure transparency and authenticity in their influencer collaborations.

Challenges of AI and Influencer Marketing 

While the integration of AI in influencer marketing holds tremendous promise, it also presents several challenges that brands must navigate. Understanding and addressing these challenges are crucial for leveraging the full potential it can have. Here are some key hurdles to consider.

Data Privacy and Ethics

AI relies heavily on data collection and analysis, raising concerns about data privacy and ethical considerations. Brands must ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR and uphold ethical standards when collecting and utilising data for influencer marketing campaigns.

Algorithm Bias

AI algorithms are susceptible to bias, which can impact decision-making processes in influencer selection, content optimisation, and audience targeting. Brands need to implement measures to identify and mitigate algorithmic bias to ensure fair and unbiased outcomes.

Authenticity and Transparency

The rise of AI-generated content and virtual influencers blurs the line between authenticity and fabrication. Maintaining transparency with consumers about the use of AI in influencer marketing campaigns is essential to fostering trust and credibility.

Quality Control

While AI can automate various aspects of influencer marketing, ensuring the quality and authenticity of content remains a challenge. Brands must implement rigorous quality control measures to maintain brand integrity and consistency across influencer collaborations.

Overreliance on Technology

Overreliance on AI technology without human oversight can lead to missed opportunities and disconnect with consumers. It's essential for brands to strike a balance between leveraging AI capabilities and human creativity to drive effective influencer marketing campaigns. Another alternative for brands is to look at using an influencer marketing platform that can help you find, connect and execute your campaigns from start to finish. Get in touch with The Influence Room if you want to find out more. 

Cost and Resources

 Implementing AI-powered influencer marketing strategies requires significant investment in technology, resources, and talent. Small and medium-sized businesses may face challenges in accessing and affording advanced AI tools for influencer marketing.

Looking Ahead

As influencer marketing continues to evolve, fuelled by advancements in AI and data analytics, brands must adapt and embrace these technologies to stay relevant and effective. By leveraging the power of AI to enhance influencer collaboration, brands can unlock new levels of efficiency, creativity, and ROI, ultimately shaping the future of the industry.

The convergence of influencer marketing and AI represents a paradigm shift in how brands engage with their audience. By harnessing the collective power of human influence and machine intelligence, brands can create compelling experiences that resonate with consumers on a deeper level, driving brand loyalty and sustainable growth in the digital era.

Frequently asked questions

What are AI influencers? 

AI influencers are computer-generated personas created using artificial intelligence and CGI technology. They mimic human influencers, engaging with followers on social media platforms, posting content, and collaborating with brands for sponsored partnerships. Despite not being real individuals, AI influencers have gained significant followings and influence in the digital space.

How is AI used in influence marketing? 

AI is used to streamline influencer discovery by automatically identifying individuals whose audience demographics align with a brand's target market. Additionally, AI assists in content optimisation by analysing performance data to refine messaging and posting strategies for maximum engagement. It also enables predictive analytics to anticipate trends and optimise influencer strategies proactively.

Building A Trusted Voice as an Influencer

Being an influencer is more than just having a large following or posting aesthetically pleasing content. It's about building trust with your audience, becoming a reliable source of information, and establishing yourself as the go-to expert in your niche. 

Take influencers like fashion guru, Melissa’s Wardrobe, or college-grad, Clarke, as examples. They are renowned for their transparency and ability to amplify the impact of their honest recommendations. 

With countless influencers vying for attention, standing out and earning trust is essential for long-term success. So, how can you establish yourself as the go-to influencer? Let’s delve into the strategies behind building trust as an influencer. 

How do you build trust with your audience? 

With more consumers sceptical of traditional advertising, building trust is necessary for building brand loyalty and establishing genuine connections with your audience.  


Discovering your voice on social media may seem daunting, but it’s all about authentically presenting yourself. Speaking your truth consistently and channelling your values will persuade brands and your audience to recognise your value. 


Producing high-quality content that showcases your expertise enables you to create relevant material that paints your brand in a trusted light. 


The quality of your relationship with your audience directly impacts the success of your content. Employing open communication and body language is key to sustaining the trust of your audience. It is important to behave consistently - extreme behaviour or sporadic actions may cause people to doubt you. 

Identify your target audience

To capture your audience’s hearts, show a genuine interest and concern for their interests. To identify their needs, you must conduct thorough research to uncover who they are. Methods like social listening provide valuable insight into how your audience interacts online with your brand niche, offering a deeper understanding of their pain points and engagement patterns. 


Exploring and testing new content styles empowers you to discover what type of topics resonate with your audience, which helps to foster trust in your personal brand over time.

Strategies for building a reputable personal brand

Define your niche 

To become the go-to influencer in your niche, it's essential to define your area of expertise. Identify what sets you apart from others and focus on creating content that resonates with your target audience. For example, Melissa’s Wardrobe’s trusted endorsements (aka #MelMadeMeDoIt) often influence the purchase decisions of consumers within the fashion and luxury lifestyle communities. 

Consistency is key 

Consistency breeds trust. Whether it's the frequency of your posts, the tone of your voice, or the quality of your content, maintaining consistency is crucial. Your audience should know what to expect from you, and consistency helps foster a sense of familiarity and reliability over time. 


Authenticity helps to build a rapport with your audience, reassuring your audience that you have their best interests at heart. Sharing behind the scenes and being ‘real’ about your experiences as an influencer is crucial for building credibility. 

Engage with your audience

Engaging with your audience is pivotal for cultivating trust among your audience. Actively participating in conversations and acknowledging your audience’s input helps create a community where your audience feels valued and respected. 

Recognise your social responsibility  

Taking a stance on social issues and being an advocate for ethical practices will resonate with your audience who seek authenticity. Using your platform to address societal concerns demonstrates your genuine concern for the welfare of the world and your community.  

Tips on how to avoid spreading misinformation

With the rise of fake news and misinformation, ensuring the accuracy of your content is necessary to ensure the credibility of your account. If you want to learn how you can impede the spread of false information, check out our tips below! 

Fact check your content

Verifying the reliability of your sources and statistics before posting demonstrates your commitment to truthfulness. Followers who can rely on the accuracy of your content are more likely to trust your expertise and recommendations. 

Stay up to date

Keeping up to date on current events allows you to create content that responds to emerging trends and important topics that your audience cares about most. 

Be transparent 

It is good to get in the habit of influencer disclosing. If you’re sharing sponsored content or promoting products, be transparent about your partnerships and affiliations. Transparency builds trust and demonstrates your integrity as an influencer.

Be brave: call out fake news!

By actively addressing and calling out misleading narratives you position yourself as a reliable source of information. Twitter has joined the fight against fake news with the introduction of their community notes feature which allows users to better inform the world by adding context to misleading posts. 


Establishing trust with your audience is a gradual process that takes time, but, when done right, it can establish you as the go-to creator for knowledge. 


What are the best practices to become an expert in my niche?

You don’t have to wait to be perceived as an “expert” to be one. Focus on investigating topics that aren’t heavily touched upon as content and always address your audience’s pain points to show that you can solve their problems. 

How do I properly disclose sponsored Instagram posts?

It is good practice to make the disclosure easy to read by using the correct brand content tags. 

What is fake news?

Fake news is false information misrepresented as news to deliberately mislead and deceive online readers.

The Power of Storytelling in Social Media

In the realm of social media, where trends come and go in the blink of an eye, influencers constantly strive to find that magical formula that will captivate their audience. Amidst the myriad of strategies and tactics, one approach stands out as timeless and effective: storytelling. For those seeking to master this skill, our essential guide delves into the intricacies of using storytelling to build and sustain your audience! 

What is social media storytelling?

Social media storytelling is the art of using narrative techniques to engage and connect with your audience on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and more. It's about going beyond mere promotion and creating content that resonates with people on a personal level. 

Whether it's through anecdotes, testimonials, or creative visuals, storytelling allows influencers to share their experiences and values in a way that sparks emotion and fosters connection

Why is social media storytelling important?

As humans, we’re addicted to stories; they create new worlds, inspire us to act and take us on awe-inspiring adventures. Storytelling is an intrinsically psychological act designed to connect us to each other and help build our understanding of the world. 

Creating authentic connections

People naturally gravitate towards experiences that feel genuine - as though they’re speaking with a long-term friend. Sharing personal narratives establishes a connection within your community, fostering a sense of trust and loyalty to your personal brand.


Stories have the power to capture attention and keep your audience engaged. When done right, storytelling can increase likes, comments, and shares, boosting your overall reach and influence. 


Being memorable is a crucial objective when creating your content. A story that can stand the test of time becomes more than escapist entertainment, instead, evolving into an endless saga that continues to provoke thought and offers fresh discoveries with each encounter. 

How to structure your storytelling

The way you structure your story can make or break its impact on your audience. Too long and you risk losing their interest but if too brief, you might leave them craving more. Find the perfect balance between engagement and brevity to keep your viewers hooked.  Tailor your story with your audience’s interests and behaviours in mind to ensure they'll eagerly anticipate the next instalment.

Establishing an emotional connection 

Forge stronger connections with your audience by addressing their pain points and offering solutions. Learn from the success of influencers like ReesaTeesa (@reesateesa), whose viral fifty-part TikTok series, ‘Who TF Did I Marry?’, united millions around common experiences and struggles - proving that long-form content is taking the world by storm. As TikTok is a platform rich in relationship advice, ReesaTeesa cleverly taps into the universally relatable theme. 

Using visual cues 

If you want to create compelling visuals, using visual cues is a great way to capture the attention of your audience. The more odd, the better. For example, doing your makeup whilst retelling true crime stories or always having the same set-up when communicating a dating horror story. Visual cues are a great affirmation of your personal brand and a way to trigger your audience’s anticipation for your epic storytime.

Nail your script

A well-crafted script is the backbone of any compelling video. Take the time to develop clear dialogue and action plans, ensuring seamless execution and confident delivery that keeps your audience captivated from start to finish.

5 social media storytelling tips

Want to be a better storyteller? Check out our top tips to increase your chances of your story going viral!

Tailoring content to your audiences 

Understand who your audience is and what resonates with them. Assessing your metrics to see what content appeals to your community will help you begin to identify your audience.  Tailor your stories to address their needs, interests, and pain points, ensuring they feel seen and heard.

Hooking your audience in the first three minutes 

A winning intro - be it voiceover or written is an absolute must to spark the curiosity of your audience. With 1.1 million creators on TikTok and over 65 million active influencers on Instagram, competition for views is fierce, and why it is that you master how to capture your audience’s attention within the first three seconds

Use a customer’s tone of voice

Speak the language of your audience. Whether it's through casual banter, inspirational quotes, or witty humour, use a tone of voice that resonates with your followers and makes them feel like you're speaking directly to them.

Developing a strong story arc 

One of TikTok’s most prominent story arcs is a ‘Day in the life’ that sheds insight into a person or product’s daily routine. A strong story arc will guide your audience through a satisfying emotional journey that will make them hungry for the next story. 

Be honest and don’t be afraid to go deep 

Sharing the real tea will gain you favour with your audience as it demonstrates your willingness to connect and relate with your audience on a deeper level.  With authenticity waning, being transparent and vulnerable allows you to establish a foundation of trust and openness with your audience which is essential for long-term support. 


Storytelling remains a powerful tool for influencers looking to make a meaningful impact. By crafting authentic narratives that resonate with your audience, you can forge deeper connections, boost engagement, and leave a lasting impression that sets you apart from the crowd. So, the next time you're crafting content for your social media channels, remember the power of storytelling—it just might be the key to unlocking your true influencer potential.

The Ultimate Guide to Influencer Gifting

In today's digital age, when social media dominates our lives and influences our choices, brands are continuously searching for innovative ways to connect with their audiences on a personal level. If you’re keen on trying influencer marketing to grow your brand, influencer gifting is a good place to start. 

Read on to find out all you need to know about influencer gifting. We’ll explore how to grow your brand by gifting to influencers and also provide you with the ultimate template for writing your influencer gifting note.

Table of contents: 

What is influencer gifting?

Influencer gifting, also known as product seeding, is where brands offer free products or services to influencers instead of traditional monetary compensation. In exchange for the free product or services, the influencers may showcase these offerings to their audience. This practice leverages the influencer's credibility and reach to organically promote the brand's products or services, fostering a more authentic and relatable connection with potential customers. 

Influencer gifting allows brands to tap into the influencer's established trust and rapport with their followers, generating brand awareness and potentially driving sales without a monetary transaction.

If this sounds like something that your brand is interested in, Room Unlocked is here to help you find influencers who can promote your product with authenticity and personal experience! Explore our all-in-one platform and book a demo with us.

What are the benefits of influencer gifting?

As we’ve mentioned influencer gifting is a great way to reach users in an authentic and organic way, there are also a number of other benefits of influencer gifting which we’ve included below. 

Appealing incentive to micro and nano influencers

Micro and nano influencers are smaller scale in terms of their audience size; however, they have a higher likelihood of covering a niche area and enjoying greater interaction with their followers. These influencers are the sweet spot for brands to do product seeding as their followings are sufficient to give them credibility in their niches, but still intimate enough to nurture loyal communities.

Moreover, they don't come with a crazy price tag. As bigger influencers tend to prioritise paid collaborations, these smaller influencers are genuinely content with receiving gifts, and in return, they craft authentic content that effectively bridges the trust gap.

Cost effective strategy

If your budget is tight or you're not ready to spend big bucks on influencer posts, there's a clever solution: instead of paying in cash, consider giving away free products to influencers. Of course, this works best when your products aren't super high-end like diamonds or luxury cars. We're assuming you sell moderately priced items targeted towards general consumers. 

Think of it as a barter exchange system, offering flexibility and limiting your influencer campaign costs. Take a look at our blog about barter collaboration to craft your influencer strategy.

Creativity and diverse media content

As brands, we know that shooting product photos and videos is a time-consuming process. Imagine never having to worry about the steep costs of hiring professional photographers and videographers for your product shoots! The truth is, such expenses can quickly add up and strain your budget. But what if there was a cost-effective solution that also brought fresh creativity to the table? Influencer gifting provides the chance of getting innovative creators to produce photos and videos of your products as part of the agreement.

By offering your influencers free products, you open the door to a world of creative promotional material that aligns with your brand's vision. These influencers tend to have decent equipment and adept media editing skills that can seamlessly enhance your brand's image.

How do I start doing influencer gifting?

After having some idea of the benefit of influencer gifting, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to start your influencer gifting journey.

1. Define your goal and strategy

Determine what you want to achieve through influencer gifting. Is it brand awareness, product promotion, reaching a new audience, or something else? Define your target audience and the type of influencers who align with your brand.

2. Research and outreach influencers

Research and identify influencers whose content, values, and audience match your brand's image. Consider factors like their follower count, engagement rate, content quality, and niche relevance. Just before reaching out, engage with the influencers' content to establish a genuine connection. Follow them, comment on their posts, and show interest in their work with your brand account. This would make outreaching easier because you know what to write in the personalised outreaching message later on!

A gifting message should explain why you admire their work and how your products would resonate with their audience.

3. Find out the best gift for your influencers

After the influencers accept your product offer, you can start deciding which products you want to send out to them. Perhaps you have a new product series you plan to promote? Or you’d like to offer a range of your popular items to drive more sales? Using insights about which products your influencers already love will help you decide which products to offer to boost your brand value!

4. Write a gift note and send your product

As we know, influencers receive a lot of packages and samples from brands. It’s important to attach a personalised gift note in your package to let your product stand out. If you don’t know where to start, here we provide you a template to follow below.

5. Try influencer packaging and keep it on track

Ready to send out your gift? Here are some tips to make your product unforgettable! First, make the package unique so the recipient knows it's from you right away. Also, use a tracking system to avoid losing the package and to know when it arrives.

Influencer gifting note example

Here is an example of an influencer gifting note:

Hello, [Name]!

Exciting news – we've sent you some samples of our [product name(s)]. 

Inside, you'll discover [list all products in box]. We remember how much you enjoy [personalised detail, e.g., natural skincare, tasty snacks], so we've carefully chosen [ingredients, flavours, shades] that we think you'll love.

Just a reminder! To get the most out of [product name], try using it [product detail, e.g., before you sleep, during your skincare routine].

We're eager to hear your thoughts after you've given these products a go. Feel free to reach out or tag us on Instagram or TikTok – we can't wait to hear from you.

Thanks for letting us introduce you to our special [product(s)]!

[Brand Name]


Influencer gifting vs paid collaboration

The key distinction between influencer gifting and paid collaborations lies in the financial aspect. Paid collaborations involve a transaction where a brand pays an influencer for posting about their product or brand. On the other hand, influencer gifting involves brands providing free products to influencers with the expectation that they will share about them on social media and generate user-generated content if they like them.

Does influencer gifting work?

Since influencer gifting is different from paid collaborations, major measurement tools such as promotion codes are not applicable in this type of strategy. Furthermore, brands are not 100% sure if the influencers will post or share about your product. Therefore, there might not be a guaranteed ROI to be achieved through product seeding. 

So how do we measure the success of influencer gifting? Here we have listed some ways for you to track your gifting results.

Track UGC’s impression and engagement rate

After the influencers receive your gift, keep a close eye on the influencer’s content and posts to see if they tag your account. Impression, influencers’ interactions, and comments are significant indicators of whether your product resonates with the influencer’s followers. If you don’t see any increase in engagement after six weeks, consider researching and gifting a new group of influencers.

Track your organic and direct traffic

Take a closer look at what your site and social media traffic looked like before your influencer posted about your product. Keep track of changes in traffic every day or week during the event, noting when there are more or fewer visitors. After about 6 weeks, check how your traffic looks again and compare your earlier observations to understand if gifting influencers helped bring more people to your website. For social media, look at how many followers you gained and how many people are interacting with your posts, and then compare these numbers.

Use affiliate link

As a brand, you can also provide influencer affiliate links alongside the gift for them to mention on their post. Affiliate links are an effective tool to measure sales and traffic. It could also inform you as brands who your most successful influencers are. 

If you plan to try influencer gifting and want to do it effortlessly, Room Unlocked is here to help you! Our platform is designed to match your brands to the influencers who are already passionate about your product, so you can gain genuine advocacy with ease! Book a demo now!

Influencer gifting FAQs

Do you have to pay influencers for gifting? 

No! Gifting influencers your product or service is essentially giving it to them for free, in the hope they will feature your product or service on their social media channels in return. Therefore nano or micro-influencers are more likely to agree to gifting opportunities whilst they're in the starting point of their influencer career.

What can you expect from influencer gifting?

In most cases, there is no guarantee you will be tagged or mentioned in an influencer's post after you share a gift. However, at Room Unlocked, we can guarantee that your brand will be featured and mentioned in the influencer’s content because there is a written agreement in our influencers’ contracts. Find out more about how Room Unlocked can help you with influencer gifting. 

How can you pick influencers to be included in your influencer gifting?

When choosing who to share your products or services with, it's important to think about whether you would make a good partnership. Macro and micro influencers may be more inclined to promote products they enjoy for free as they are building their own personal brand. You should also consider if your product and service will benefit their brand as this is a two way relationship.