How to Beat TikTok's Algorithm in 2024

Home for the most exciting trends in popular culture, TikTok has rapidly evolved into one of the most used forms of social media - threatening to dethrone Instagram.  But how? TikTok’s default For-You-Page (FYP) tab is a highly advanced system designed to expose new music and edutainment recommendations to a diverse culture of communities that exist on the platform. If you want to know the secret to consistently landing on TikTok’s addictive FYP, we’re here to decode the mysterious algorithm that will make you besties in no time.

What is the TikTok algorithm? 

Similar to Instagram, TikTok’s algorithm is a recommendation system that relies on ‘signals’ such as likes, comments and how much time you spend on a post to deliver an endless stream of entertainment that best caters to your interests. TikTok’s goal is to keep you scrolling; with each watch, the platform learns and understands more about your behaviour to curate a special selection of entertaining content.

The TikTok algorithm works to achieve four main goals

User value 

TikTok focuses on providing specially curated content that will highly stimulate your interests. In order to do this, the algorithm regularly monitors your interactions to mathematically assess the right content “For You”.

Long-term user value

The algorithm works to ensure that users return to the platform to receive an insatiable dose of entertainment. 

Creator value

As TikTok doesn't prioritise creators based on their following or a user’s history of high-performing content, this means that every creator has the potential to go viral. 

Platform value

TikTok’s own algorithm is used to improve the value of the platform itself. 

How does the TikTok algorithm work? 

The TikTok algorithm adjusts according to your behaviours and interests over time. Recommendations are based on the following factors to create a uniquely personalised experience that leaves your audience coming back for more:

User interactions

TikTok takes into consideration the videos you like, share and the duration of time spent watching a video to gauge their preferences. 

Video information

The algorithm looks at the type of captions, sounds and hashtags used in the video. Content that integrates trending sounds and hashtags will ultimately increase their visibility on TikTok’s FYP. You can discover the hottest trends by using the search tool or via TikTok’s creative centre for some inspiration. 

Device and account settings

Factors like your language preference, geographics and device type all play a part in optimising the right kind of content that TikTok believes you would like to see. For example, when travelling overseas, you may find that your FYP is weighted to content from creators in that region or about customs and cultures specific to that region.  

User behaviour

TikTok observes how users interact with content (e.g., do they watch the entire video, share it, or scroll past quickly) to further refine their FYP.

How to beat the TikTok algorithm  

While there's no foolproof formula for guaranteed success on TikTok, there are strategies you can employ to increase your chances of beating the algorithm:

Find your tribe

With 70% of users stating that they feel like they’re part of a community on TikTok, engaging in the right kind of tribe that compliments your niche will amplify your content to the right consumer. As the algorithm pushes content that aligns with your audience’s interests, it is important to create content that truly resonates with the rising trends and ever-changing interests of your community. 

TikTok SEO 

Focus on maximising your TikTok SEO by creating engaging captions and utilising trendy captions that invite your audience to interact with your content. Investing in a creative hashtag and caption strategy ensures that your content reaches your target audience and those actively seeking that kind of content on the platform. 

The 3 second rule

TikTok was designed to entertain so time is of the essence here. Executing a good hook and the right cues is key to capturing your audience’s attention within the first three seconds.  

Using sound 

Trending sounds will help push your content to the FYP a lot faster. Music plays a powerful role on TikTok, facilitating the discovery of new music artists, instant creation of music trends and overall challenges creators to think outside of the box. 

Engaging with audience 

Responding promptly to your comments and engaging in your audience’s duets will push the visibility of your content. The more likes and comments your content receives will rank your content even higher. 

Stay consistent 

Establish a regular posting schedule to maintain visibility and keep your audience engaged. Consistency signals to the algorithm that you're a committed creator.

Experiment and iterate

Don't be afraid to try new content formats, styles, and trends to keep your content fresh and adapt to changes in the algorithm.

In Summary

Whilst there is no standard formula for dominating TikTok’s FYP, understanding the ins and outs of the algorithm, maximising your TikTok SEO and creating engaging content specifically for your audience will increase your chances of securing a top spot in the rank. Good luck! 

Frequently asked questions

How can I consistently pop up on someone’s FYP?

To increase your chances of appearing on someone's FYP, focus on creating engaging content, using relevant hashtags, and participating in trending challenges that align with your target audience's interests.

How can I create content that goes viral? 

While there is no set formula for creating viral content, you can increase your chances by engaging in popular trends, being authentic and relatable, and experimenting with different content formats that are specific to find what resonates with your digital community.

How to Beat Instagram's Algorithm in 2024

How to Beat Instagram's Algorithm in 2024

Heard about Instagram’s algorithm but don’t quite understand it? You’ve come to the right place! Instagram - one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, boasting two billion active users a month, constantly eludes influencers and veteran marketers alike with their ever-changing algorithm. Whether you’re just getting started or a well-seasoned influencer, mastering the ins and outs of the algorithm will guarantee the continued success of your content. 

What is the Instagram algorithm?

Introduced to the world in 2017, the machine-learning algorithm is a unique set of rules designed to analyse a user’s behaviour to prioritise the right kind of content for a user’s Instagram feed. 

The sophisticated process is reliant on “signals”: specific information about recent posts you’ve engaged with such as likes and the time of posting. From this metadata, Instagram makes predictions about the likelihood of your future interactions with these kinds of posts. 

How does the algorithm work?

Instagram has multiple algorithms at play, each one for a different part of the app. These different algorithms ranks content based on different factors:  


Your Feed page is home to content shared by your friends, family and your passionate interests.  Instagram personalises your Feed by introducing posts from pages that you don’t follow but they determine you might be interested in based on content you’ve engaged with recently. The more likely you are to take action (i.e like or share the predicted post), the higher up the feed you’ll see those kinds of posts. 


Instagram Stories are a great way to share behind the scenes of your life. Instagram considers your viewing history and engagement history to prioritise stories they don’t think you would want to miss. 

Explore page

Instagram’s Explore page is a special curation of content designed to help you discover new interests. To rank explore, Instagram considers your likes, comments, shares, as well as information on the content and the person who posted it. Your recent engagement on the app will present the best profiles and content.


Instagram Reels are ranked through likes, comments, shares, and saves. Instagram incentivises creators to use Reels by giving them additional exposure on the Explore page and their very own Reels tab. 

Key factors affecting the algorithm 

As the algorithm prioritises popular posts, it is important to know what “signals” play a part in pushing your posts to the top of your audience’s feed. 

User Engagement

Instagram will curate content for your explore page based on posts you have previously liked, shared, saved and commented on. For example, the more you interact with animal-friendly content, the more Instagram will push the visibility of that kind of content on your feed. 


Instagram aims to deliver content that aligns with users' interests. It evaluates factors like past interactions, search history, and content preferences to determine relevance.


Content from accounts with which users frequently interact, such as friends, family, or favourite brands, is given priority.


Posting frequency and timing are crucial components of the Instagram algorithm. The timing of your posts significantly impacts their visibility, as sharing content when your followers are most active increases the likelihood of engagement. Consistent posting ensures that your content appears regularly in users' feeds, increasing the chances of reaching a wider audience. 

How to beat the Instagram algorithm  

Want to know how to make the algorithm work for you? Check out our top-tips on how to beat the Instagram algorithm!

Be consistent

Instagram needs a constant supply of content to keep their ever-growing audience engaged. Create a fool-proof content strategy that includes a consistent posting schedule to help you build a loyal community of followers that eagerly anticipate your content. 

Engaging captions

Captions are an opportunity to captivate your audience and encourage audience interaction via comments and shares. Engaging captions shows that your content is valuable, leading to an increase in visibility and a higher ranking in Instagram’s algorithm.

Hashtags and keywords 

A strategic hashtag strategy can prove an effective tool for maximising your content’s reach. By selecting trendy hashtags that suit your niche and target audience will help improve the discoverability of your content, which means more ‘views’ for the Instagram algorithm to take into account 

Interact with your audience 

When posting, it is important to actively respond to comments and direct messages. Acknowledging your audience will help increase engagement and foster a sense of community. 

Timing content 

Timing your content right can dramatically increase the exposure of your content to different kinds of audiences. By learning and understanding your audience’s behaviour, you can determine the most effective posting times to maintain a steady presence on user’s feeds. 

Instagram Reels

Instagram reels have grown to become a prominent feature on Instagram, often garnering more engagement than any other types of posts. Leveraging this feature is a great way to fast track engagement and humanise your brand in a more creative way.  

Instagram analytics 

Instagram provides valuable insights into your audience demographics, engagement metrics, and post performance through its built-in analytics tools. By analysing these data points, you can gain valuable insights into what content resonates best with your audience and tailor your strategy accordingly.

In Summary

While tackling Instagram's algorithm may feel like a challenging task, it's not impossible. Understanding how the algorithm functions, creating an effective content strategy and staying engaged with your audience will allow you to cultivate genuine connections which is fundamental to beating the algorithm. So why not embrace the challenge today?

Frequently asked questions

How is the Instagram algorithm calculated? 

Instagram utilises a blend of algorithms, processes, and classifiers to ascertain the most pertinent content for each user. It takes into account an array of signals including user activity, post details, interaction history, and information regarding the content creator. These elements are meticulously analysed to curate personalised feeds tailored to individual preferences and interests.

How often shall I post to beat the algorithm? 

There’s no one-size fits all answer to this question. It’s essential to strike a balance between consistency and quality. Experient with posting frequencies to see what works best for your audience. The behaviour and habits of your audience should inform your content schedule. Posting at the right time will bolster your presence on a user’s feed which in turn increases the ranking of your content.

How do I get my Instagram post to the top of the feed?

A combination of regularly engaging with your audience and posting relevant content for your audience will help keep your Instagram posts at the top of your audience’s feed.